'See my pretty fur & little ears?'
Not much new today. I got them a little 'busy bunny' willow stick ball to play with and chew on. They like it a lot and one even took it into the ball into their box where they sleep. They are busy getting into everything and we have to watch them carefully when they are out of the cage because they want to go in every possible niche they can fit into. They like to sneak in and out of papa's cage (he has bigger slots on his cage then mama's cage so they like to visit him). I know it will take a little while, but I hope they figure out how the litter box works - it would be very nice if they were litter box trained when we try to find them homes. : )
Here they are munching on mom's food...
'What's out there?'
This little one with the 'busy ball' in his box
The escape... watch the upper left corner!
' I spy something green..'